Vacuum Forming Example

This high style seating was formed using our vacuum forming process.

Kal Plastics is a sophisticated player in the “down & dirty” marketplace of vacuum forming. We pride ourselves on building long-term relationships with customer care being our highest priority. We are a large company with huge facilities that can accommodate large parts and unusual jobs, such as the Oasis Bench featured here. We are problem solvers. Located in Southern California Kal Plastics specializes accounts that are short, medium, and long run. The keys to Kal Plastics Vacuum Forming are:

  • Quality
  • Delivery
  • Price
  • Value-added Assembly

Kal Plastics — Complete Custom Fabrication & Assembly Click here to download the “Oasis” case study.

Click below to learn more, or call us at 800-321-3925

vacuum_forming_1 Vacuum Forming 101

Learn more about what vacuum forming is all about, how it can help you achieve your production goals, and how to prepare your project for success.

slider3 Production Details

Delve deeper into our production process, see our equipment and a list of our production services.